News & Events

Meetings in the field of microcirculation and vascular biology & medicine
Please notify us about any events which you would like to appear on this webpage! Also National Society Meetings can be included! contact the Communication Officer, dr. Boy Houben

Award Winners ESM-EVBO Maastricht 2019

ESM Travel Award for Early Career Investigators

Dr. Stephanie Herkenne University of Liege, Belgium
Ms. Marloes Sol University Medical Centre Groningen, Netherlands
Ms. Nicole A.M. Dekker Vrije University, Amsterdam
Dr. Rio Juni Vrije University, Amsterdam
Ms. Sarah McNeilly University of Glasgow, UK

ESM International Travel Award for Early Career Investigators

Ms. Nathalie Obadia Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Brazil
Miss Rui Ning Chia Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Ms. Marina Leardini-Tristão Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Brazil

Poster Awards

Renee Tillie University of Maastricht, Netherlands
Goekhan Pehlivan German Centre for Neurodegenerative Diseases
Hanna Jonasson University of Linkoping, Sweden


Sohni Ria Bhalla University of Nottingham, UK
Wenjie Li University of Maastricht, Netherlands
Mieke Karel University of Maastricht, Netherlands
Sofia Morsing Sanquin, Netherlands
Silvia Martin-Almedina St Georges, University of London, UK


2nd ESM/EVBO Summer School in Kraków

Hermann Rein Award 2019

Servier Award for Microcirculation

The German Society for Microcirculation and Vascular Biology invites scientists to apply for the Hermann Rein Award for excellent contributions to the field of experimental and clinical research in microcirculation and vascular biology sponsored by Servier Deutschland GmbH.

This prize of 2.000 € will be awarded at the upcoming Meeting of the German Society for Microcirculation and Vascular Biology held 25–27 October 2019 in Heidelberg. The awardee will be chosen by a panel of referees from three selected finalists, which present their work in a special Hermann Rein Award session at the meeting.
We accept individual applications and nominations by colleagues.

All applications should be sent by Email until July 15, 2019 to:

more details >>

German Society for Microcirculation and Vascular Biology Meeting
Heidelberg October 2019

Dear honored members of the European Society for Microcirculation,

The meeting of the German Society for Microcirculation and Vascular Biology (GfMVB) in Heidelberg is drawing closer and we are currently finalizing the main program.
You are cordially invited to submit your abstracts (deadline: July 31) and apply for the young investigator awards. Take the chance to participate in a conference covering the field of vascular biology, discuss your data with international experts, make contact with the scientific community in a stimulating atmosphere, share your thoughts with other scientists and enjoy the social events!
Additional information about the meeting is available on our conference website.

I am looking forward meeting you in Heidelberg!
Thank you very much and best wishes,

Prof. Thomas Korff
President of the German Society for Microcirculation and Vascular Biology

ESM Malpighi Award winner 2019

It is our great pleasure and honour to announce that the ESM Malpighi Award Committee has voted for Prof. Ákos Koller to be the 2019 ESM Malpighi Award winner. The award winner will receive the Gold Malpighi Medal and a life-long membership of the ESM, and deliver the prestigious Malpighi Lecture at the forthcoming ESM meeting in Maastricht, NL, 15-18 April 2019. This lecture is scheduled on Thursday, 18 April at 11:00h.

ESM Malpighi Award Committee

Servier Award in Microcirculation

This award is offered by SERVIER in partnership with the European Society for Microcirculation for an outstanding publication on microcirculation / vascular biology in basic or clinical research. The proposed publication must be original research, of international relevance and impact and be consistent with the main objectives of the ESM.

Dear Applicants,

It is my great honor to announce that the winner of the Servier Award in Microcirculation is
Tamara Girbl Ph.D., (London, UK, and Klosterneuburg, Austria) based on the paper:
Girbl et al, Immunity 2018: 49, 1062–1076. Distinct compartmentalization of the chemokines CXCL1 and CXCL2 and the atypical receptor ACKR1 determine discrete stages of neutrophil diapedesis.

Let’s congratulate to her and her colleagues. She will receive the award on Thursday, April 18.
The level of competition was very high because all nominated papers/scientists were excellent, thus the decision was very difficult. In the end, the paper of T. Girbl received most of the #1 ranking.
ESM and Servier greatly appreciate the excellent quality of research in microcirculation as shown by this competition.
We are looking forward to seeing you all, in Maastricht!

Sincerely yours,
Akos Koller
ESM Secretary-General

Additional information