News & Events

Meetings in the field of microcirculation and vascular biology & medicine
Please notify us about any events which you would like to appear on this webpage! Also National Society Meetings can be included! contact the Communication Officer, dr. Boy Houben

World Congress for Microcirculation (WCM) 2023

20-24 September 2023, Beijing, China

The Congress will take place 20-24 September 2023  Beijing, China
Further details regarding abstract deadline, registration and travel awards will follow, in the meantime please visit the congress website.

Aarhus, Denmark, 24-27 April 2023

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the biannual meeting of the European Society for Microcirculation in Aarhus, 24-27 April 2023.
The importance of the microcirculation is continually being highlighted and is receiving more attention due to the key role of small vessels in many pathological conditions than was appreciated a few years back. Examples of these conditions are impaired cognitive function and some forms of ischemic heart disease especially in women. In addition, the microcirculation is important for many other conditions, where new information is constantly being made available. We feel, therefore, that microcirculation research will receive increased recognition in the coming years.
The organizing committee is making every effort to arrange a great meeting with quality presentations, ample time for discussion and professional and social interactions.
Come and be inspired by colleagues studying microcirculation from many different perspectives in Aarhus in 2023!
More details including the preliminary programme, registration and abstract submission details (deadline 15th January 2023)  can be found on the conference webpage:

Awards available associated with the Congress.

We hope to meet you all in Aarhus!
Best wishes ESM Meeting Organising Team

Joint Meeting of BMVBS and GfMVB 2022

Berlin in July 7-8, 2022

A meeting of the British Microcirculation and Vascular Biology Society (BMVBS) and Gesellschaft für Mikrozirkulation und Vaskuläre Biologie (GfMVB) will be held on July 7-8, 2022 at the Kaiserin-Friedrich-Foundation in Berlin, Germany.
Please see attached flyer for further information, do put the dates in your diary and feel free to circulate to any further interested parties.


Postdoctoral position in the group of Prof. Elena Osto

We are hiring!

A post-Doctoral position is available in the group of Prof. Elena OSTO's cardio-metabolic research at the University of Zurich.

Contact Name for applications: Elena Osto
Phone: +41 43 253 3098
City: Zurich (Switzerland)
Institution: Cardiology Department & institute for clinical Chemistry
Title of Position: Post-Doctoral position
Summary of Position: Crosstalk between endothelial cells and adipocytes in cardio-metabolic diseases
Application Closing Date: 31 August 2022

More details can be read in this document.


Vascular Biology Summer School 2022

Full program

June 13-15, 2022; Online

The registration for the ESM/EVBO online Vascular Biology Summer School - June 13-15, 2022 - is now open.

Aim: to provide postgraduate students/junior postdoctoral scientists an opportunity to gain insight into the key questions and cutting-edge methodologies in vascular biology, to discuss with peers and experts in the field, and to train in the presentation and discussion of data. Applications from PhD/MD students and junior postdocs will be considered.

Short presentations by experts in the field will be followed by “how to?” Q&A sessions. Participants will join three panel discussions and have the opportunity to discuss and present your research. There will be awards for best presentations. For more information, the preliminary program is detailed in the attachment and on-line at and

The summer school is free for ESM and EVBO members; if you are not a member then please sign up for membership to ESM (Student Members €10 for two years) or EVBO (Student Members €30/annum or €80 for 3 years).

To register, please send the following as one pdf file to by April 30th:
  • Name and affiliation (add your name also in the file name!)
  • Abstract (250 words, voluntary)
  • Motivation letter (max 150 words)
  • One page CV
  • An indication of whether you are a member of ESM or EVBO.

Please share this email and associated documents with colleagues, who have postdocs and students who may be interested in attending!

This year’s summer school is sponsored by:

Best wishes,
The Organizers
ESM: Elena Osto, Eszter Farkas and Henning Morawietz
EVBO: Johanna Laakkonen, Lars Mägdefessel, Mauro Siragusa, Lena Claesson-Welsh

Junior post-doctoral position in Nantes, France

Two-year fixed-term contract
Signaling in Oncogenesis, Angiogenesis and Permeability,
Cancer & Immunology Research Center, INSERM, CNRS, Nantes University

The “Signaling in Oncogenesis, Angiogenesis and Permeability” (SOAP) team is interested in deciphering how tumor cells pirate basic signaling pathways to sustain their survival and unlimited proliferation, as well as the way in which they interact within their environment. Fundamental signaling mechanisms are explored with a specific emphasis on deleterious remodeling of the vascular network associated to tumor.

For more details please open the flyer and visit the website: @LabSoap

Please send your application to and along with your CV, a motivation letter, and 2 reference letters.

Additional information