News & Events
Meetings in the field of microcirculation and vascular biology & medicine
Please notify us about any events which you would like to appear on this webpage! Also National Society Meetings can be included! contact the Communication Officer, dr. Boy Houben
Vascular summer school in Angers
The University of Angers (France) organize a vascular summer school "VESSAL", 4th to 8th July 2016.
This intensive teaching program will provide an overview of the actual and future knowledge in the field of cardiovascular diseases. Selected thematic will be presented by renowned researchers and clinicians experts in the field who will share with the participants their experience through interactive plenary lectures, workshops, hands-on and laboratory visits.
For more information visit
Also, enclosed please find the flyers for the summer school.
Sincerely yours,
Akos Koller
ESM, Secretary General
Presentation of our summer programs 2016 (All) >>
Presentation of our summer programs 2016 (Vascular) >>
Angela Shore is the winner of Malpighi Award
It is our great pleasure to announce that Prof Angela Shore was selected to be the winner of ESM 2015 Malpighi Award!
Marco Rossi
President of ESM
Akos Koller
Secretary General of ESM
The Joint
28th European Society for Microcirculation (ESM)
8th European Vascular Biology Organisation (EVBO)
June 3–6, 2015
Pisa Conference Center, PISA, ITALY
For Symposia proposals: 30 June, 2014
Abstracts submission: 15 March, 2015
Communication of abstracts’ acceptance: 31 March, 2015
Early registration: 15 April, 2015
First Announcement
Meeting website:
Malpighi Award Nominations Deadline
Dear National Societies President/Secretary
Malpighi Award Nominations Deadline: 8 December 2014
Malpighi Award
This is the most prestigious award of the European Society for Microcirculation (ESM). Given to an individual of internationally outstanding reputation in any field of microcirculation research. The individual will deliver the prestigious Malpighi Lecture at the forthcoming ESM meeting in Pisa, Italy, 3-6 June 2015 and will receive the Gold Malpighi medal and Free Life Membership of the ESM.
I am writing to you to seek recommendation from your Society for the European Society for Microcirculation (ESM) Malpighi Award. Applications should consist of a letter of commendation together with a two page CVs. Please send nominations to The Malpighi Prize Committee, is constituted to include: ESM Treasurer, Secretary and President, the last two Awardees, one other representative of the Executive Committee. Voting is by secret ballot. The deadline for nomination is Monday 8 December 2014.
Professor Angela Shore
ESM Treasurer
A Multidisciplinary Approach to Cardiovascular Diseases
1st Meeting of the Multinational Chapter of the International Union of Angiology ( IUA)
in conjunction with the XXIV Congress of the Mediterranean League of Angiology and Vascular Disease (MLAVS)
Palermo, 2-5 October 2014 – Didactic Centre University of Palermo
The Congress will be held in Palermo, from October 2 to 5, 2014 at the Didactic Centre University of Palermo and more than 600 experts from all over the world will participate. Please find attached the Congress Updated Announcement.